Optimize your LinkedIn profile with keywords in all the right places, along with your mission and value proposition. Learn strategies, tips, and best practices for your personal profile and organization’s page. Leverage the LinkedIn platform to find the best people to connect to your mission and learn techniques to search for LinkedIn demographics from some of the over 660+ million users.
Learning Objectives:
- Where and how to incorporate keywords and strategies, tips, and best practices for your personal profile
- How to clearly brand yourself and develop your “secret sauce” value proposition to stand out
- When, where, and why you need to engage in thought leadership and how to tag others and use hashtags
- Learn tips for setting up a company page to share your mission and activities and also review the analytics
- Find potential donors and connections using a Boolean search on and off LinkedIn
- Advertise for board members and volunteers and have them engage with and share your content
- Leverage further by having a LinkedIn group
Lynne Williams
Lynne M. Williams, BS, MA, ABD is the Executive Director of the Philadelphia Area Great Careers Group, an all volunteer 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides career education and networking connections for: 1) jobseekers in career transition, including veterans and those in the nonprofit community and 2) those employed and self-employed for career management. Lynne is also the owner of Around the Clock Executive Helper, a writer of resumes and LinkedIn profiles. Lynne presents unique research-based workshops on LinkedIn, resumes, the Applicant Tracking System, the Art of Networking In Person & Online, and other career-related, social media, and technology topics. She has done extensive doctoral research on social media applications and is a contributing author to “Find Your Fit: A Practical Guide to Landing the Job You Love”, along with the late Dick Bolles, the author of “What Color is Your Parachute?”.
In addition, she writes a weekly career column in Vista.Today and other publications with LinkedIn tips and more. She will be teaching LinkedIn at the Princeton Night School in March 2020.
Connect with her on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/lynnewilliams with a personalized message and visit https://greatcareersphl.org.